Bonita Sharif, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

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Bonita Sharif


Bonita Sharif, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing at University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska USA. She received her Ph.D. in 2010 and MS in 2003 in Computer Science from Kent State University, U.S.A and B.S. in Computer Science from Cyprus College, Cyprus. Her research interests are in software engineering, eye tracking, empirical studies, software visualization, human factors, and software traceability. She has authored over 80 refereed publications. She serves on numerous program committees in various leadership roles including ASE, ESEC/FSE, ICSME, ICSE, VISSOFT, SANER, and ICPC. She also reviews for SE journals TSE, TOSEM, EMSE and RE. She served as general chair of VISSOFT 2016 and ETRA 2018 and 2019. In 2014, she served as Program Co-Chair for VISSOFT and currently is steering committee chair. Sharif has graduated two Ph.D. students and 16 Masters students and is currently supervising 1 Ph.D. student. Sharif is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award and the NSF CRI award related to empowering software engineering with eye tracking. She directs the Software Engineering Research and Empirical Studies Lab at UNL.

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Google Scholar Citations - h-index: 30 , total citations: 3247 (Date accessed: June 1, 2024)

Labs Directing

Software Engineering Research and Empirical Studies Lab at UNL

iTrace Project Portal

iTrace Community Infrastructure Portal - NSF Funded Project

Research Areas of Interest

software engineering, program comprehension, human factors, eye tracking, empricial studies, human computer interaction, software traceability, emotional awareness in development

Fall 2024

On Sabbatical.

Spring 2024 Teaching

Senior Design (Capstone) - Tribe Lead for 6 teams

CSCE/SOFT 468/868 Requirements Elicitation and Modeling

In-depth coverage of processes, methods and techniques for determining, or deciding, what a proposed software system should do. Topics include the requirements engineering process, identification of stakeholders, requirements elicitation techniques, methods for informal and formal requirements documentation, techniques for analyzing requirements models for consistency and completeness, and traceability of requirements across system development and evolution. Tool support for modeling functional and non-functional requirements to support elicitation and analysis will be studied.

Fall 2023 Teaching

Senior Design (Capstone) - Tribe Lead for 6 teams

Spring 2023 Teaching

Soft 161 - Software Engineering II

Design and modeling of complex software systems. Techniques and tools based on disciplined software engineering principles and practices for designing and modeling software-intensive systems from technical, organizational, and management perspectives. Techniques for building and analyzing event-driven applications and multi-layer applications with an SQL database backend. Data structures and operations for lists, stacks, queues, and other data structures. Algorithms and data structures for searching and sorting. Concepts and practice of object-oriented programming, including encapsulation, composition, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Recent News

I am on sabbatical in Fall 2024.

I joined the CSE department (now School of Computing) at UNL in August of 2018. I have several topics related to my research in software engineering for both undergraduate and graduate students. These topics can be developed into a senior project for undergraduates as well as thesis topics for graduate students. Contact me for more information.


A full listing of my publications is available on DBLP. A more comprehensive list will be made available on my website soon.

Associate Editor/Steering Committee Positions

Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Computer Education (TOCE)

Steering Committee Chair for VISSOFT and ETRA.

Steering Commitee Member for ICPC.

SIGSOFT Cares Member - Committee.

Past Service

I have reviewed for the following conferences

I am a reviewer for the following journals.

I have also served as an additional reviewer for the following conferences and journals.